Nov. 17 | The Hata-family historical house Hata-family sold "Kiogan", a home medicine for children, from 1700 to 1984. Ms. Hata explained us the history of machiya and how to make Kiogan in details. We had a relaxing time with good tea and sweets. |
Oct. 06 | THE STUDIO OF NYOZAN-KAI We visited the studio of the noh mask artist, Mr. Nyozan Umehara. 17 overseas friends joined us. He had a lecture on the history of noh and noh mask, showing a lot of his works. Mr. Kanzan Masubuchi also showed a process of mask making. Ogamo director who is an American and noh performer at the Kongo School precisely interpreted their lectures. Mrs. Umehara received us warmly. We really appreciated their generosity and kind help. |
Sep. 17 | Kamogawa-kai 14th Bazaar We held the 14th Bazaar at Goou Jinjya Shinto Shrine. We would like to sincerely thank all the people who came to it. Proceeds from this bazaar will be used for our future activities. |
Jul. 4 | Kyoto University Graduate School of Engineering We visited the Katsura Campus of Kyoto University. Kyoto University Graduate School of Engineering is adding new educational and research facilities there. This time, Professor Izuru Takewaki took us to many important laboratories and explained us their research projects. It was very instructive for us to see the cutting edge of advanced research on various engineering issues. |
Jun. 9 | Kawai Kanjiro's House We visited Kawai Kanjiro's House with 18 overseas friends. The building was designed by Kawai himself. The museum curator, Ms. Tamae Sagi, a granddaughter of Kanjiro, first gave us a talk about his life and works, and then invited us to look around his studio, a climbing kiln, and the showcases of his superb ceramic works. Outside, the rainy season drizzle continued to fall, while inside the museum, we were all able to spend a quiet time sensing the spiritual character of this artist who so loved people and life. |
May 19 | Asahi Beer Oyamazaki Villa Museum of Art We visited Oyamazaki Villa Museum in this very good season with new green leaves of maple trees. Mrs. Tomiko Kaga, wife of the present head of the founder family, specially guided us, and we enjoyed woodblock prints, which motif is orchid grown by Shotaro Kaga, the founder of this villa. We spent refreshing time with 18 foreign guests at this beautiful villa. |
Apr. 7 | Annual Cherry Party at Mr. & Mrs. Oyagi's house We held a cherry blossom party at a member's house along the Kamo River. We welcomed 88 guests from various countries with weeping cherry trees in full bloom, in the garden. We enjoyed a shakuhachi performance by Mr. Hozan Murata, and also enjoyed green tea and homemade dishes. |
Mar. 14 | Higashi Honganji Temple 33 overseas friends from 14 countries joined us. At the founder's hall, we listened to the founder's teaching. Then, we looked around the new modern building by Mr. Shin Takamatsu and the old buildings of Kuroshoin and so on. We were given a good opportunity to see the roof of Amida Hall under renovation at close hand. We also visited Shosei-en Garden that was designated as a place of National Scenic Beauty. In the warm sunshine, we really enjoyed strolling. If you would like to see more photos taken by a participant, please click here to jump to his website. |
Feb. 18 | Gekkeikan Okura Sake Museum We visited Gekkeikan Okura Sake Museum which was built in 1909, an old sake brewery refurbished into the museum. After we learned about sake, we also enjoyed sake tasting. |
Jan. 22 | New Year Mochi-Making Party at Mitsuba Kindergarten We were generously invited to the mochi-making party which was held by the local people of the Ogawa School District. 25 overseas friends joined us. They enjoyed pounding mochi with a mallet and taking various kinds of delicious mochi dishes. We also talked about special food on New Year's Day in each country. We are grateful to the people of Ogawa School District for their kindness. |